Category (if relevant, please select up to two categories)
Green Woman Entrepreneur
Dedicated to a Woman Entrepreneur who has developed a company with cleaner technologies, provides products and/or services that reduce environmental damage, minimize pollution and resource use, enhance product lifecycle and/or that have adopted training programmes for emerging green jobs
Creative Woman Entrepreneur
Dedicated to a Woman Entrepreneur who has developed a company related to Arts, Culture, Design, Fashion, Audio-visuals, Music, Festivals and Crafts
Travel and Hospitality Woman Entrepreneur
Dedicated to a Woman Entrepreneur who has developed a company bringing positive socio-economic impact, even more so in light of the challenges brought to the tourism industry by the COVID-19 pandemic, war in Ukraine etc.
Roma Woman Entrepreneur
Dedicated to a Woman Entrepreneur who has developed a business model, product or service that demonstrates economic empowerment, innovation, labour market integration and income generation for under-represented, vulnerable and disadvantaged groups, such as Roma communities
Startup Woman Entrepreneur
Dedicated to a Woman Entrepreneur who established a start-up, being 1-3 years in business - demonstrating innovative solutions and growth potential
Young Woman Entrepreneur
Dedicated to a young woman entrepreneur - up to 32 years old - who has demonstrated an innovative business solution or a product/service with regional impact and visibility