Employment and Social Affairs Platform (ESAP 3) is a regional project financed by the EU and jointly implemented by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and the International Labour Organization (ILO).

ESAP 3 is continuation of the original ESAP project implemented in the region from 2016 to 2019 and ESAP 2 from 2019 to 2023, aiming at building on the previous achievements.
The overall goal of the ESAP 3 is to promote fair and well-functioning labour markets in the Western Balkans Six (WB6) by advancing the alignment with the EU acquis and implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights in the areas of undeclared work, health and safety at work and social dialogue.

The main beneficiaries of the RCC’s portion of the project are employed and job-seekers in the WB6, the representatives of governments and labour market agencies in charge of employment and social policy, and enforcement agencies.

The project also partners with Labour and Social Affairs counterparts in the European Union (EU).

After completion of its 2nd phase, ESAP 3 was officially launched in March 2024, beginning the implementation phase along its main components:

  • Employment formalization (implemented jointly with ILO)
  • Advanced alignment with the EU acquis and European Pillar of Social Rights

Expected outcomes

  • Enhanced performance of the WB6 in tackling undeclared work and preparedness for integration into the European Labour Authority.
  • Upskilled and more effective labour market actors in implementation of policies and practices related to the European Pillar of Social Rights: 
    • Equal Opportunities and Access to the Labour Market;
    • Fair Working Conditions; and
    • Social Protection and Inclusion.