Digital skills are essential for development of the digital economy and society.
Level of digital skills in all WB economies is below the optimal level and there is a need for increasing digital skills and competences of citizens, IT professionals, but also of users in business and particularly in public sector. WB DESI 2020 shows that WB is behind EU in almost all indicators related to digital skills.
As a contribution in this area, the RCC commissioned a regional study on “Improving Digital Skills in WB6” in December 2018. The study provides a solid basis for building discussions and helps pave the way for development of national digital skills strategies for WB6 economies as a necessary step to enhance further development of digital skills in the region.
RCC established a Regional Multi-Stakeholders Working Group, gathering representatives from WB economies and international organisations active in the area of digital skills. First meeting of the Working Group was held in April 2020, thus launching regional dialogue on preparing digital skills strategies. Furthermore, a report mapping best practices in EU MS addressing digital skills has been prepared, including a template with key elements that a digital skills strategy may contain – to be used as a reference by the WB economies in developing their dedicated skills strategies.
RCC conducted the mapping of key priority sectors, emerging industries and target groups to support a fully-fledged assessment of digital skills gaps and needs. In addition, the methodological framework for the fully-fledged assessment of digital skills gaps and needs in public administration, both central and local, has been prepared based on approach of EC DigiComp for citizens.
Work to create a self-sustainable regional framework to support digital upskilling and reskilling, including the launching of the WB Digital Skills Jobs and Coalition mirroring the EU practice has started aimed at establishing direct links between digital skills supply and demand, creating conducive environment for innovation and start-ups creation and supporting knowledge transfer and increased job opportunities for youngsters and other targeted groups.
Next steps
- Regular regional coordination and dialogue and peer-to-peer learning within the region and beyond in the area of digital skills
- Conduct fully-fledged assessment of digital skills gaps and needs of the employees in public administration at central and local level; extend the assessment to other target groups
- Establish WB Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition, define goals and objectives for 2022-2024, including the Charter of the Coalition
- Encourage greater public-private engagement and cooperation to address digital skills in a holistic approach