Compliance of Legal Framework in the Western Balkans Economies With the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Requirements
30 December 2020 | STUDY
The Regional Cooperation Council supported the assessment of compliance of the Western Balkans Economies’ legislation with the GDPR requirements. This assessment covers all six Western Balkans economies and aims to evaluate the state of implementation as well as to provide concrete recommendations to ensure proper enforcement of GDPR principles and requirements at both economy and regional level.
The objective of this report is to provide (1) an overview of each of the respective economies separately, both from the perspective of their regulatory frameworks (including assessment of their alignment with the GDPR and points of their non-compliance with the same) and practical solutions for overcoming the existing challenges in the field of further data protection development (Economy Reports), and (2) overview of the data protection related similarities between the respective economies and, consequently, joint conclusions for further development of their data protection environment (Key Findings and Conclusions).
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