08 July 2021 | STUDY
This Study presents a comparative analysis of the region’s youth labour markets. The Section 2 analyses the key indicators of the youth labour market that are available from Eurostat, the Observatory on employment in the Western Balkans of the Regional Cooperation Council’s (RCC) Employment and Social Affairs Platform (ESAP 2) project, and Statistical Offices in the Western Balkan economies. Section 3 analyses and summarises the main youth employment measures adopted in each economy in comparative perspective and identifies the main challenges facing youth labour markets in each economy. Section 4 maps the NEET landscape using statistical data and proposes the design of appropriate policies to integrate nonregistered NEETs including tailored outreach mechanisms to identify and assist the most vulnerable NEET groups. Section 5 analyses the capacities of the public employmentservices (PES) in each economy to implement new youth employment measures. Section 6 discusses the key issues around introducing a form of Youth Guarantee in line with the EU ambition to assist in the further development of the region’s youth labour markets and wider economic performance. Section 7 presents brief conclusions.
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