Common Regional Market Report on Implementation for 2021
31 May 2022 | REPORT
The Western Balkans (WB) leaders endorsed the Common Regional Market (CRM) 2021-2024 agenda at the Western Balkans Sofia Summit in November 2020. Being firmly anchored in EU recovery efforts, the CRM agenda aims at reducing the gaps with the EU Single Market and diversifying supplies to create jobs and offer greater choice at lower prices, and at enabling people to work throughout the region.
This report provides an overview of both regional and the achievements accomplished at the level of each Western Balkan economy per key CRM policy areas, namely Regional Trade Area (including EU
Four Freedoms), Regional Digital Area, Regional Investment Area, Regional Industrial and Innovation Area. The overview of key results in the regional area was drafted by RCC and CEFTA Secretariats,
each of them being in charge of their respective areas of expertise, whereas Transport Community Secretariat and WB6 Chamber Investment Forum (CIF) contributed to the regional overview with
their inputs in their respective areas of expertise.
Taking into consideration the regional ownership of the CRM agenda, this report also includes the contributions from the region’s economies, particularly in the Section II of the report Key Achievements
in CRM – Economy Level. The report covers the period from December 2020 – November 2021.
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