Thematic Workshops
Thematic workshops on the sectoral and cross-cutting fields of intervention relating to the Decade priorities were organized at least twice a year. Materials from these workshops are listed below.
- December 2007 - Housing Workshop Hungary, Croatia
April 2008 -Workshop on Anti discrimination, Budapest
- Andor Urmos_ Anti-segregation policy_ housing (pdf | 1491KB)
- Antidiscrimination workshop - final report 1st session (pdf | 37KB)
- Asmet Elezovski, national Roma Centrum, Macedonia (pdf | 1878KB)
- Christina Costa_Communication, Public Awarness and Information Campaign Romania (pdf | 3827KB)
- Erno Kadet_Desegregation and equal opportunity policy in public education (pdf | 49KB)
- Lilla Farkas _Substantive equality in community law (pdf | 848KB)
- Mabera Kamberi_ Anti-discrimination legistlation in Macedonia (pdf | 25KB)
- Michael Guet _ Speech on Anti-Gypsyism (pdf | 66KB)
- Race Directive_2000-43-EC (pdf | 117KB)
- Racism Breaks the Game (pdf | 4988KB)
- Update on Dosta campaign (pdf | 155KB)
- Valentina Petrus _ Slovakia case (pdf | 3976KB)
- Vera Egenberger _Ostrava judgement (pdf | 35KB)
- Andor Urmos_Hungary proposal_ Support and development policy based on equal opportunity principle (pdf | 36KB)
- Ivana D Alessandro_Awarness raising campaign Dosta (pdf | 842KB)
- Agenda_Anti-discrimination workshop (pdf | 94KB)
- Agenda_Gender Workshop (pdf | 92KB)
- List of participants _ Anti-discrimination Workshop (pdf | 49KB)
- Roma Civil Participation list_Anti-discrimination Workshop (pdf | 69KB)
June 2008 - Indicator Working Group, Budapest
- Agenda_Indicator Meeting Group (pdf | 15KB)
- Indicators in the field of housing (pdf | 74KB)
- Martin Kahanec_The Decade of Roma Inclusion-A Unifying Framework of Progress Measurement (pdf | 51KB)
- Minutes_Indicator Working Group Meeting (pdf | 51KB)
- Quantitative indicators for the Decade of Roma Inclusion progress monitoring (pdf | 204KB)
- Results from the pilot in Bulgaria_Decade of Roma Inclusion progress monitoring indicators (pdf | 2250KB)
November 2008 - For improved Roma Housing and Settlements, Belgrade
- City Of Belgrade_Displacement of non-hygienic settlement (pdf | 1915KB)
- Displacement of non-hygienic settlement (pdf | 463KB)
- Faculty of Architecture Belgrade_Photos (pdf | 55682KB)
- First in legalization of Roma settlements (pdf | 197KB)
- Graduation Works_Faculty of Architecture Belgrade (pdf | 81088KB)
- Media Campaign (pdf | 1060KB)
- Zlata Vuksanovic Macura_Upgrading of Goricka kosa II Kraljevo (pdf | 22796KB)
- Gordana Matkovic_Analiza uticaja drzavne finansijske podrske siromasnima (pdf | 5949KB)
- Hrabovsky_Program of Construction of the Lower Standard Municipal Rental Flats for Citizens in Material Need (pdf | 15346KB)
- Marija Raus_Roma in Serbia_Housing and Discrimination (pdf | 62KB)
- Agenda_Housing Workshop For improved Roma Housing and Settlements (pdf | 149KB)
- Participants List_Housing Workshop For improved Roma Housing and Settlements (pdf | 60KB)
March 2009 - Indicator and Monitoring Workshop, Belgrade
- Booster Survey_Serbia_Statistical Office (pdf | 381KB)
- Boris Vano_Slovakia (pdf | 54KB)
- Council of Europe_Project Management Methodology (pdf | 305KB)
- Integration Measurement Methodology (pdf | 24KB)
- Jaroslav Kling_NAPs overview for Monitoring and Evaluation (pdf | 82KB)
- Links to add with reports (pdf | 51KB)
- Martin Kahanec_Progress Measurement (pdf | 535KB)
- Monitoring and Evaluation _Romania (pdf | 2000KB)
- Monitoring Education _Aleksandar Baucal (pdf | 267KB)
- Monitoring Framework_Serbia (pdf | 491KB)
- Monitoring Handbook 1_ Romania (pdf | 4283KB)
- Monitoring Handbook 2_Romania (pdf | 5072KB)
- Monitoring_Czech Republic_Martin Martinek (pdf | 25KB)
- MONSTAT-RAE Montenegro (pdf | 188KB)
- UNDP Croatia_Jasmina Papa (pdf | 104KB)
- UNDP_Daniel Skobla (pdf | 1596KB)
- UNECE _ Jessica Gardner (pdf | 798KB)
- Zdenek Uherek_Politics of Employment (pdf | 108KB)
- Agenda_Indicator and Monitoring Workshop (pdf | 36KB)
- List of Participants_Indicator and Monitoring Workshop (pdf | 15KB)
- April 2009 - Empowerment of Romani Women in the Context of Contemporary Social Policies – Exchange of Experience and Good Practices, Sofia
- June 2009 - The Right to Education for Every Child: Removing Barriers and Fostering Inclusion for Roma Children, Belgrade
June 2009 - Employment Workshop, Zagreb
- Active measures and programmes for Roma employment in Bulgaria (pdf | 207KB)
- Council of Europe_Employment Policies for Roma in Europe (pdf | 56KB)
- Czech Republic_Improving Employment Chances of the Roma (pdf | 178KB)
- Isabel Alonso _Employment Model Roma_Zagreb (pdf | 201KB)
- Roma Minority in Albania (pdf | 92KB)
- Slovak Republic_Contribution of structural funds to marginalised Roma communities development (pdf | 342KB)
- The future of the social policy in Romania (pdf | 91KB)
- Aktivnosti Hrvatskog zavoda za zaposljavanje u radu sa nezaposlenim osobama romske nacionalne manjine (pdf | 1071KB)
- Zaposljavanje Roma_Sto smo naucili od dosadasnjih mjera ukljucivanja i kako dalje (pdf | 335KB)
- Agenda_Employment Workshop (pdf | 125KB)
- List of Participants_Employment Workshop (pdf | 206KB)
November 2009 - Creativity and innovation in education workshop, Poprad
- Cecilia Varsova, Zuzana Klococa_Equal approach to education (ENG) (pdf | 5341KB)
- Christian Brueggemann_Forming national Roma youth networks (pdf | 367KB)
- Council of Europe_Education of Roma Children (pdf | 2648KB)
- Council of Europe_Publications (pdf | 123KB)
- Council of Europe_Teaching Material (pdf | 77KB)
- Eva Farkasova_Streamlining educational conditions (ENG) (pdf | 553KB)
- Ilie Dinca_Social inclusion policies for Roma communities in Romania (pdf | 28KB)
- Liana Ghent_ ISSA_From Tacit to Explicit (pdf | 1667KB)
- Mihai Surdu_REF_Key issues and approaches in in the education of Roma (pdf | 35KB)
- Viera Hajdukova_Kindergartens for all children (ENG) (pdf | 477KB)
- Bajram Haliti_IRU_Issue of Inclusion of Romani Children into the Educational System (pdf | 51KB)
- Cecilia Varsova, Zuzana Klococa_Rovnosť prístupu k vzdelávaniu (SK) (pdf | 4960KB)
- Marijana Jasarevic_World Bank_Creativity and Innovation in the Education (pdf | 20KB)
- Eugen Crai_UNICEF_Roma Child Rights - A Mission Possible (pdf | 1921KB)
- Eva Farkasova_Zefektivnovanie edukacnych podmienok (SK) (pdf | 573KB)
- Viera Hajdukova_Materske skoly (SK) (pdf | 561KB)
March 2010 - Workshop on revision of NAPs, Bratislava
- Alena Rochovska_Elaboration of national indicators of social inclusion for Slovakia (pdf | 205KB)
- Andrey Ivanov - Data and Indicators (pdf | 46KB)
- Jaroslav Kling_Results oriented NAPs - methodological perspective (pdf | 126KB)
- UNIFEM_Revision of National Action Plans for the Decade of Roma Inclusion (pdf | 200KB)
- Agenda_ Workshop on revision of National Action Plans (pdf | 44KB)
- List of participants_Worksop on revision of NAPs (pdf | 14KB)
May 2010 - Programmes Supporting Social Inclusion of the Disadvantaged Population Groups, Bratislava
- Kyriakaki_REC_Supporting Roma Employability (pdf | 94KB)
- Systemic Innovations for Integration of Marginalised Groups into Sustainable Employment (pdf | 334KB)
- Barisry vykonu TSP v marginalizovanych romskych komunitach (pdf | 861KB)
- Mesto Stara Lubovna (pdf | 18541KB)
- Podpora zamestnatelnosti znevyhodnenych skupin uchadzacov o zamestnanie (pdf | 482KB)
- Programy podpory socialnej inkluzie (pdf | 1517KB)
- Sluzby starostlivosti o obcanov Mesta Handlova (pdf | 387KB)
- TERENNA SOCIALNA PRACA V OBCI LETANOVCE – ako nastroj prekonavania socialnej exkluzie (pdf | 1892KB)
- Terenna socialna praca v marginalizovanych romskych komunitach (pdf | 1204KB)
- Zhodnotenie cinnosti NPS v prvom polroku 2008 (pdf | 723KB)
- Agenda_Programmes Supporting Social Inclusion of the Disadvantaged Population Groups (pdf | 93KB)
February 2011 – Improving Access to Housing for Roma: Good Local Practices, Funding and Legislation, Prague
- Eva Sobotka_Good practice in addressing the situation of Roma in access to housing in the EU (pdf | 228KB)
- High authority against discriminations (pdf | 607KB)
- Fundamental Rights Agency_Opening Speech (pdf | 34KB)
- Martin Lux_Social housing in transition countries (pdf | 796KB)
- Michael Guet_Plenary Speech (pdf | 71KB)
- Raquel Rolnik_Plenary Speech (pdf | 48KB)
- WG1_Kalliopi Lykovardi (pdf | 156KB)
- WG1_Marian Mandache (pdf | 381KB)
- WG1_Robin Harms (ppt | 181KB)
- WG3_Alekos Tsolakis (ppt | 319KB)
- WG3_Bogdan Suditu (ppt | 1855KB)
- WG3_Daniela Grabmullerova (ppt | 2268KB)
- WG3_Deyan Kolev (ppt | 563KB)
- WG3_Ilie Dinca (pdf | 129KB)
- WG3_Janos Csoka (ppt | 621KB)
- WG3_Juraj Kuruc (ppt | 156KB)
- WG3_Marton Matko (ppt | 2998KB)
- WG3_Metropolitan Research Institute (ppt | 1328KB)
- WG5_Jozsef Hegedus (pdf | 27KB)
- WG4_Antonio Tosi (doc | 78KB)
- WG5_Martina Mikeszova (pdf | 165KB)
- WG5_Maurizia Tovo (ppt | 2359KB)
- WG5_Mina Petrovic (pdf | 208KB)
- WG5_Mona Prisacariu (pdf | 3772KB)
- WG6_Antonio Lopez Gandara (ppt | 5155KB)
- WG6_Antonio Lopez Granada speech (pdf | 27KB)
- WG6_Marta Alvarez Alonso speech (doc | 42KB)
- WG6_Marta Alvarez Alonso (ppt | 451KB)
- WG6_Pablo Espiniella (ppt | 375KB)
- WG6_Michail Beis (ppt | 1459KB)
- WG6_Stanislav Svoboda (ppt | 6677KB)
- WG7_Deyan Kolev (ppt | 7211KB)
- WG7_Gelu Duminica (ppt | 800KB)
- WG7_Ivana Nesetova (ppt | 2756KB)
- WG7_Janos Csoka (ppt | 633KB)
- WG7_Metropolitan Research Institute 2 (ppt | 143KB)
- WG7_Metropolitan Research Institute (ppt | 137KB)
- WG7_Slavka Macakova 2 (ppt | 22314KB)
- WG7_Slavka Macakova (ppt | 50514KB)
- Housing Conference_Agenda (pdf | 159KB)
- Housing Conference_List of Participants (pdf | 154KB)
- Housing Conference_Report (pdf | 2309KB)
- April 2011 - NGO Consultation Meeting on EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies, Budapest
May 2011 - Desegregating Education in Central and Eastern Europe: Inclusive Approach – Good Practice and the Way Forward, Prague
- CSD_Desegregation in Kyustendil Bulgaria (pdf | 4492KB)
- Decade Education Conference_Belgrade_Conclusions and Recommendations (pdf | 184KB)
- Eben Friedman_A Look back and a Look ahead (pdf | 44KB)
- EC Report 2010_Improving the tools for the social inclusion (pdf | 819KB)
- Gabor Daniel Nagy_DARTKE Student Mentoring Program (pdf | 1691KB)
- Gabriela Hrabanova_Closing Remarks (pdf | 9KB)
- Henry Scicluna_Desegregating Education in Central and Eastern Europe (pdf | 4653KB)
- Ilda Rusha_Albanian state efforts for Roma people education (pdf | 30KB)
- Ilie Dinca_Desegregating Education in Central and Eastern Europe Inclusive Approach (pdf | 115KB)
- Joint Statement _ Decade International Conference_Desegregating Education (pdf | 128KB)
- Nada Jakir_Croatian Policy of Educational Inclusion of Roma (pdf | 77KB)
- Karel Cada_Vzdělanostní dráhy sociálně vyloučených (pdf | 325KB)
- Nahida Zekirova_The way forward Government commitments to desegregating education in the Decade countries (pdf | 73KB)
- Biserka Tomljenovic_Desegregation in Croatia - nobodys baby (pdf | 6571KB)
- Agenda_Desegregating Education in Central and Eastern Europe (pdf | 150KB)
- List of Participants_Desegregating Education in Central and Eastern Europe (pdf | 147KB)
- November 2011 - National Roma Strategies: Ensuring a Comprehensive and Effective European Approach to Roma, Brussels
November 2011 – Addressing the Problems of Persons without Documents and Access to Rights, Skopje
- Addressing the Problems of Persons without Documents and Access to Rights (pdf | 356KB)
- Addressing the Status issues of Roma_Croatia (pdf | 4477KB)
- Good practices in the registration and issuance of documents for Roma community in Romania (pdf | 1800KB)
- Information Legal Centre (IPC) Slavonski Brod, Croatia (pdf | 330KB)
- Kosovo* Speech (pdf | 28KB)
- Pravni centar (pdf | 3695KB)
- Regional Initiatives and Role of International Actors_AIRE Centre (pdf | 177KB)
- Role of Civil Society Addressing the Problems of Persons without Documents and Access to Rights (pdf | 1376KB)
- Roma Active Albania (pdf | 1053KB)
- The role of Civil Society in Kosovo (pdf | 1871KB)
- National Practices on Removing the Obstacles Preventing Access to Basic Rights and Services_AIRE Centre (pdf | 362KB)
- WEBLAN_Presentation on the Network’s vision, mission and activities (pdf | 136KB)
- Nevidlivi gragani Obespraveni gragani (pdf | 3926KB)
- Resavanje na problemite na licata bez dokumenti i pristapot do pravata (pdf | 396KB)
- Agenda_Addressing the Problems of Persons without Documents and Access to Rights (pdf | 267KB)
- Background Document_Addressing the Problems of Persons without Documents and Access to Rights (pdf | 85KB)
December 2011 – Decent Work for Roma, Skopje
- Presentations
- Decent Work for Roma Conference_Agenda (pdf | 114KB)
- Decent Work for Roma Conference_List of Participants (pdf | 116KB)
- Decent Work for Roma Conference_Report (pdf | 1522KB)
January 2012 - HERA Health conference, Skopje
- Alexandra Constantinescu_Roma health mediators (pdf | 3995KB)
- Alina Covaci_Roma health mediators (pdf | 2227KB)
- Axelle Cheney_Stepping up Roma Health in Europe (pdf | 251KB)
- Dragan Djordjevic_Improvement of Roma health and wellbeing in Serbia (pdf | 770KB)
- Elena Kosvska_Health and Health protection of Roma (pdf | 1192KB)
- Equi Sastipen_Health Equity (pdf | 733KB)
- Henry Sciculina _The right to access to healthcare (pdf | 36KB)
- Joszef Solimosy_Health Component of the National Roma Integration Strategy (pdf | 1649KB)
- Juraj Kuruc_Strategy of Slovak republic for Roma Inclusion 2020_Health component (pdf | 38KB)
- Nesime Salioska_Health Counseling (pdf | 1053KB)
- Power point presentation 1 (rar | 7044KB)
- Power point presentation 2 (rar | 8928KB)
- Rabia Ali_Access to Health Services Among Vulnerable Roma Communities (pdf | 313KB)
- Rosica Ivanova_National Strategy for Roma Integration in Bulgaria (2012-2020) (pdf | 1916KB)
- UNDP_Possible approaches to ethnic data production (pdf | 431KB)
- Video_Zdravstvene medijatorke (mp4 | 159735KB)
- Zoran Bikovski_Monitoring vo zaednicata za zgolemen opfat na decata Romi so vakcinacija (pdf | 280KB)
- Position Paper_International Conference of Towards better health of Roma (pdf | 164KB)
- May 2012 - Early Childhood Development and Quality Education for Roma, Skopje
May 2012 – Improving Housing Conditions for Roma, Skopje
- Atila Stojka_Housing situation of the Roma and respective measures in Hungary (pdf | 749KB)
- Branislava Zarkovic_Housing Development Center for Socially Vulnerable Groups (pdf | 5296KB)
- Branko Socanac_National Practices for Improvement of Housing for Roma in Croatia (pdf | 241KB)
- Danilo Curcic_Roma Housing in Serbia (pdf | 210KB)
- Enerida Isuf_Housing and Roma Community (pdf | 1416KB)
- Erol Ademov_Municipality Stip Experiences (pdf | 5523KB)
- Gyorgy Lucas_Housing and the Roma in Hungary (pdf | 351KB)
- Jaroslav Kling_Roma in Central and Southeast Europe UND PWBEC Regional Roma survey 2011 (pdf | 172KB)
- Juraj Kuruc_Process of legalization (pdf | 23KB)
- Lence Bajkova_Domuvawe na Romite vo Republika Makedonija (pdf | 20266KB)
- Saliha Dzuderija_Roma Housing in Bosnia and Herzegovina (pdf | 2699KB)
- Slavica Denic_Improving Housing Conditions for Roma in Serbia (pdf | 1308KB)
- Martina Asanovska_Podobuvanje na uslovite za dokuvanje na Romite (pdf | 855KB)
- Zoran Dimitrov_Rezultati od sproveduvanjeto na programite za podrska na domuvanjeto kaj Romite (pdf | 2600KB)
- Agenda_Improving Housing Conditions of Roma (pdf | 68KB)
- June 2012 – New Faces of Anti-Gypsyism in Modern Europe, Prague
February 2013 – Perspectives on EU Funding for Roma Inclusion, Zagreb
- A. Krzalovski_ Use of IPA Funds for Roma _ Regional Report (pdf | 115KB)
- A. Krzalovski_Use of IPA Funds for Roma _Macedonia and Serbia (pdf | 117KB)
- Carolina Fernandez_Employment and Roma Community (pdf | 1487KB)
- Darina Batyiova_The use of EU Funds for Roma housing and integrated territorial programs (pdf | 328KB)
- Elena Mihalache_Decade_Eu FUNDS (pdf | 141KB)
- Dominique Be_ Linking the Decade and EU Resources (pdf | 632KB)
- Human Resournces Development Operational Programme (pdf | 119KB)
- Jakub Horacek_Linking the Decade and EU Resources (pdf | 1430KB)
- Jaroslav Kling_Linking the Decade and EU Resources (pdf | 1011KB)
- Joanna Kostka_IPA Implementation (pdf | 83KB)
- Lesson learned from current period of 2007 - 2013 for planning 2014 - 2020, Zagreb (pdf | 1430KB)
- Milena Babic_IPA Implementation (pdf | 522KB)
- Mirjana Maksimovic_Linking the Decade and EU Resources (pdf | 161KB)
- Petar Antic_Institutional Capacities (pdf | 1224KB)
- Rositsa Ivanova_Employment (pdf | 119KB)
- The use of the Structural Funds for Roma inclusion (pdf | 164KB)
- Uncertain impact Have the Roma in Slovakia benefitted from the ESF (pdf | 934KB)
- Zsofia Pollar_Education and Health (pdf | 717KB)
- Agenda_Perspectives on EU Funding for Roma Inclusion (pdf | 180KB)
- List of participants_Perspectives on EU Funding for Roma Inclusion (pdf | 105KB)
- Report_Perspectives on EU Funding for Roma Inclusion (pdf | 115KB)
- April 2013 – Quality Education for Roma, Zagreb
May 2013 – Linkage of the Historical Experience of Roma with Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Discrimination, Zagreb
- Dan Oprescu_Racial Discrimination and Public Policies on Roma (pdf | 43KB)
- Dragoljub Ackovic_Culture remembrance of forgotten Roma (pdf | 87KB)
- Ian Hancock_O Porrajmos The Romani Holocaust (pdf | 348KB)
- Michail Beis_EU instruments to combat ethnic discrimination (pdf | 474KB)
- Vojak_Persecution of Roma in Independent State of Croatia 1941 - 1945 (pdf | 1745KB)
- Dragoljub Ackovic_Kultura pamćenja zaboravljenih romskih žrtava (pdf | 128KB)
- Agenda_Linkage of the Historical Experience of Roma with Promotion of Tolerance and non-Discrimination (pdf | 234KB)
- Jasenovac Declaration (pdf | 118KB)
- List of Participants_Linkage of the Historical Experience of Roma with Promotion of Tolerance and non-Discrimination (pdf | 57KB)
- June 2013 – Roma Youth Activism and Participation, Zagreb
January 2014 - Discrimination against Roma- The Challenges of Anti-Gypsyism and Multiple Discrimination, Podgorica
- Aleksandra Bojadjieva_Anti-Gypsyism (pdf | 834KB)
- Robert Rustem_Forms of Anti-Gypsyism in modern Europe (pdf | 1804KB)
- Rudko Kawczynski_Antiziganism (pdf | 363KB)
- Tatjana Peric_Multiple Discrimination_Gender Challenges (pdf | 209KB)
- The Legal Perspective on Anti-Gypsyism - Adam (pdf | 439KB)
- Dezideriu Gergely_Addressing anti-gypsyism through antidiscrimination mechanisms (pdf | 393KB)
- List of participants_Discrimination agaist Roma (pdf | 104KB)
- Agenda_Discrimation against Roma - the challenges of Anti-Gypsyi and Multiple Discrimination (pdf | 60KB)
June 2014 – Economic Empowerment of Roma, Podgorica
- Adam Kullmann_Multiple roads for increasing employment of Roma (pdf | 712KB)
- Celine Ferre_Economic Emopwerment of Roma (pdf | 1109KB)
- Fabian Sanchez_Social Trade Peddling Project in Spain (pdf | 846KB)
- Georgiev_Roma Income Generation and Integration Project (pdf | 8075KB)
- ILO policy responses and good practices on youth employment (pdf | 868KB)
- Jasmina Papa_Roma Employability and Employment, Regional Overview (pdf | 111KB)
- Marjeta Gasparsic_Financial literacy for the Roma (pdf | 1514KB)
- Marton Rovid_The Economic Empowerment of Roma (pdf | 65KB)
- Osman Balic_Collectors of secondary raw materials for a more certain future (pdf | 2362KB)
- Petrica Dulgheru_ Proposal for setting-up a Roma Economic Development Fund (pdf | 841KB)
- Social Land Programme_Hungary (pdf | 196KB)
- Youth Guarantee_Speech (pdf | 21KB)
- Yurom Center_Collectors of secondary raw materials (pdf | 2490KB)
- Gabriela Verboska_Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Government of Slovak Rebuplic for Roma Communities (pdf | 2528KB)
- Elvis Berisa_Zaposljavanje romske i egipcanske populacije u Crnoj Gori (pdf | 1280KB)
- Agenda_Economic Empowerment of Roma (pdf | 82KB)
- List of Participants_Economic Empowerment of Roma (pdf | 32KB)
- Minutes_Economic Empowerment of Roma (pdf | 753KB)
October 2014 – Roma Women Health and Security, Sarajevo
- Aldijana Dedic - Reproduktivno zdravlje Romkinja (pdf | 602KB)
- Biljana Popovic - Zdravlje zena i strategija (pdf | 1298KB)
- Dragan Djordjevic - Romske zdravstvene medijatorke (pdf | 171KB)
- Fana Delija - Mjere za poboljsanje polozaja (pdf | 145KB)
- JelenaTadzic - The Health Situation of Roma Communities (pdf | 265KB)
- Slavica Brdovic - Prezentacija Zvezdara, Beograd (pdf | 4527KB)
- Slavko Milic - Nasilje u porodici (pdf | 1137KB)
- Snezana Pantic - CEDAW Istanbulska konvencija (pdf | 631KB)
- Stela Stojisavljevic - Zdravstvena zastita Roma (pdf | 957KB)
- Tijana Sukovic - Mehanizmi u borbi protiv ljudi (pdf | 2188KB)
- Vera Nakic - Posledice djecijih brakova (pdf | 1414KB)
- Vesna Jaric - Multisektorska saradnja i specijalizovani servisi (pdf | 254KB)
- Marina Mijatovic - Zastita od nasilja u porodici (pdf | 831KB)
- Kika Babic Svetlin - UN Rezolucije 1325 (pdf | 1234KB)
- Mirjana Lazarevac - Zenski romski centar (pdf | 829KB)
- Samir Slaku - Unapredjenje zdravstvene zastite Roma u okviru RAP BIH (pdf | 127KB)
- Durdjica Ergic - BIBIJA romski zenski centar Beograd (pdf | 4300KB)
- Agenda_Roma Women Health and Security (pdf | 378KB)
- List of participants_Roma Women and Health and Security (pdf | 599KB)
- Recommendations and conclusions of Sarajevo conference (pdf | 149KB)
November 2014 - Inclusive Education without Discrimination, Sarajevo
- Dervo Sejdic_Kali Sara Roma Information Center_Bosnia and Herzegovina (pdf | 951KB)
- Edin Ibrahimefendic_Ombudsman Institution in Bosnia and Herzegovina (pdf | 106KB)
- Haris Huskic_Federal Institute for Employment, Bosnia and Herzegovina (pdf | 621KB)
- Radmila R. Jusovic_COI Step by Step_Bosnia and Herzegovina (pdf | 310KB)
- Antidiskriminacijski program_Zajedno za inkluzivno obrazovanje djece u kantonu Sarajevo (pdf | 676KB)
- Dragoljub Ackovic_Deputy Director, Office for Human and Minority Rights, Republic Serbia (pdf | 371KB)
- Robert Korec_Coordinator, Institute for In-Service Teachers Education and Training (pdf | 2636KB)
- Lejla Hodzic (Anti)diskriminacija romske djece_situation analysis (pdf | 507KB)
- Lejla Hodzic_(Anti)Discrimination of Roma Children (BSC) (pdf | 475KB)
- Lejla Hodzic_(Anti)Diskriminacija romske djece (BSC) (pdf | 935KB)
- Pravila za prepoznavanje i zastitu od diskriminacije u osnovnim skolama Kantona Sarajevo (pdf | 354KB)
- Agenda_Inclusive Education without Discrimination (pdf | 90KB)
May 2015 - Intregrated approach to Housing and Employment, Sarajevo
- Alexander Chuplygin OSCE_Speech (pdf | 87KB)
- Attila Sztojka_Hungary (pdf | 583KB)
- Caritas_Program Stambenog zbrinjavanja Roma (pdf | 8135KB)
- Dervo Sejdic OSCE in BIH_Speech (pdf | 104KB)
- Dragoljub Ackovic_Serbia (pdf | 12642KB)
- Haris Huskic_Agency for Labor and Employment BiH (pdf | 343KB)
- Improvement Housing Roma_Caritas Switzerland (pdf | 791KB)
- Improvement Living Conditions Roma_Mostar (pdf | 1001KB)
- Luka Gliba_Republic of Srpska (pdf | 686KB)
- Minister Speech_day I (pdf | 71KB)
- Minister Speech_day II (pdf | 76KB)
- Mostar Project (pdf | 5637KB)
- Osman Balic_League of Roma Serbia (pdf | 361KB)
- S. Bradvic-Hanusic_World Vision BIH (pdf | 1325KB)
- Senada Lamovska_Macedonia (pdf | 254KB)
- Sevko Bajic_Care International Balkans (pdf | 337KB)
- Suzana Jasarevic_Hilswerk (pdf | 1500KB)
- Izolda Osmanagic_Stambeno zbrinjavanje Roma u gradu Bihaću (pdf | 2715KB)
- Agenda_Integrated Approach to Social Inclusion of Roma through Housing and Employment (pdf | 105KB)