Open Calls

048-024 Technical support to creating a regional framework for Gender-responsive Green Finance in the Western Balkans

Date: 15 AUGUST 2024 Deadline: 03 SEPTEMBER 2024

The RCC is looking for qualified experts to support the RCC Secretariat in developing a regional framework for Gender-responsive Green Finance in the Western Balkans, aiming to improve access to finance for women entrepreneurs (WEs) in the Western Balkans, support the green transition of WEs through access to finance and enhance financial literacy. The assignment is prepared in the framework of the Common Regional Market Action Plan 2021 – 2024 / Regional Industrial Area and the outcomes will further contribute to entrepreneurship support actions, and in particular to the Regional Network of Women in Entrepreneurship.

Qualified individual experts are invited to submit their application in line with the Open Call for Consulting Services.

Download 048-024 Call for Consulting services WEE Gender responsive green finance 

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