RCC Secretary General for Montenegrian Vijesti: “Knowing the right people” does not lead to the EU
26 July 2021 | INTERVIEW
RCC Secretary General gave an interview for Montenegrian Vijesti
"We know, Regional cooperation will prevail on the strength of its ideas and ideals, not on the disputes and the name of documents. We know economies of the region will be competitive when it should be, collaborative when it must be. We just hope those will be adversarial only when this is inevitable.
The prospect of eventual EU membership has been a driving force during all these years for all Western Balkan economies and background against which many common initiatives in the region were undertaken. For us dealing with regional cooperation it has been the predominant factor in urging the Western Balkans to engage with one another in a more positive manner as well as address not only the domestic problems they face, but also the unresolved issues in the region. I keep hearing yet whether WB is a geopolitical priority for EU. As long as this might be a farfetched question, is not a question of choice BUT of necessity, imperative and vision. One that begs just one sole answer - it must," said RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu for Montenegrian Vijesti.