Opening speech by RCC Secretary General at the Western Balkans Civil Society High-Level Conference
24 May 2024 | SPEECH
RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu opened Civil Society High Level Conference, dubbed Continuing the success story of EU enlargement – Bringing benefits to the Western Balkans in advance of accession, organized by EESC in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 24 May 2024.
Among other things Bregu said: "Under the weight of various consecutive crises the EU’s “cold feet” were often met with our region’s reform fatigue and unconvincing reform records, creating a lot of vicious instead of virtuos circles. Until the aspirations of around 18 million citizens for a stronger Union that can be more, with Western Balkans firmly in its fold, materialise, the Common Regional Market (CRM) is bringing the region closer together, and to the EU Single Market, both fast-tracking the much-needed convergence between the WB and EU. This is where RCC is putting its undivided focus. But we're running against the clock and concrete impacts and more sizeable investments must be felt on the ground as soon as possible,"
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