RCC co-organizes second Data Protection Week
09 September 2024-13 September 2024 Brussels
Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) is the co-organizer of the second High-level exchange and learning week dubbed Data Protection Academy for the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership Region taking place 9-13 September 2024 in Brussels.
The Data Protection Week is being organized by the European Data Protection Board (EDPB), the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), the European Commission (DG JUST), RCC, SIGMA Programme, GIZ, ReSPA, and other partners to build on the success of the 2023 high-level learning week.
The event aims to strengthen partnerships between data protection authorities from the Western Balkans, Eastern Partnership countries, and the EU by providing a platform for capacity building, knowledge exchange, and training on data protection best practices, including oversight of public sector compliance, GDPR implementation, and the digitalization of services.
Opening remarks are to be delivered by the RCC representatives on 10 September 2024.