The new SEE 2020 annual programming cycle kicks –off
29 September 2016

RCC Deputy Secretary General, Gazmend Turdiu and Maja Pinjo Talevska, Senior Programming Expert at the Fourth Meeting of the SEE 2020 Programming Committee in Vienna on 29 September. (Photo: RCC/Nedima Hadziibrisevic)

Fourth Meeting of the SEE 2020 Programming Committee, in Vienna on 29 September 2016. (Photo: RCC/Nedima Hadziibrisevic)
Sarajevo/Vienna, 29 September 2016 – The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)’s South East Europe (SEE) 2020 Programing Committee agreed upon the concept and timelines of the Strategy implementation work plan in the next three years, at its regular meeting in Vienna today.
“The SEE 2020 Programming document will provide unique and structured overview of priorities, potentials and opportunities, as well as a concrete plan of actions for fulfilling the goals of the Strategy in this final phase of its implementation,” said the Deputy RCC Secretary General, Gazmend Turdiu, in his opening remarks.
“The programing process has been proved as a very efficient tool, with concrete results, because the document, which is developed annually as a result of this process, serves as a tool for structured dialogue with multilateral and bilateral donors,” added Turdiu.
The projects, whose funding came as a result/outcome of the previous programming cycles, were presented at the meeting. The meeting also discussed possible mechanisms of cooperation with major external contributors to the SEE 2020 Programing document - private sector, civil society and others – and their involvement and specific contribution to the process.
The SEE 2020 Programming document is a target-oriented work plan of the RCC’s SEE 2020 Strategy for the period 2017-2019. It will be prepared by the RCC based on inputs from national authorities, regional organizations, in-house experts and other international organizations engaged in coordination and implementation of the Strategy. The work plan set in the document will identify the priority areas, concrete tasks, partners and their roles and responsibilities, projects and funding sources. It will be adopted by the Programming Committee at the beginning of 2017.
Participants of the SEE 2020 Programing Committee are government representatives from seven beneficiary economies, regional dimension coordinators, and the RCC.