for Regional NGO Forum on the Green Agenda for Western Balkans

Registration Closed!

Important information for participants from NGOs: Live participation in the Forum is open to any NGO, but up to 20 NGO representatives are preferred to allow for dynamic and informed exchanges, and to ensure a broad but balanced geographical and thematic representation of NGOs covering the five pillars of GAWB (with a focus on relevant regional networks/coalitions/groups, business-level NGO networks/groups and experienced individual NGOs working on GAWB-related issues). The organizers will cover travel and accommodation costs for up to 20 NGO participants.

All fields are mandatory

  Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina Kosovo* Montenegro North Macedonia Serbia
Circular economy
Depollution air
Depollution soil
Depollution water
Sustainable Agriculture
Biodiversity/ Nature protection
Green Financing
Social aspects of Green Agenda topics
Other/ please specify

Institutional interest and details for information

Note: RCC Secretariat shall use above data in line with the Law on Data Protection of Bosnia and Herzegovina and internal rules and regulations. All information is considered confidential and shall be used only for the purposes of this activity.

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence