
  • Strengthening formal and informal mechanisms of youth participation

Expected Outcome

  • Increased mobilisation of youth in policy-making
  • Increased co-creation of relevant policies with youth


  • Youth in the Western Balkans region
  • National Administrations
  • National Youth Councils

The Western Balkans Youth Lab Project is EU funded and RCC implemented which strives to create a longer-term structured regional dialogue between youth organisations and national administrations focused on jointly developing policies which will increase youth participation in decision-making, to improve the overall socio-economic environment for and mobility of youth in the Western Balkans economies through different types of activities.

WB Youth Lab Project consists of four interlinked components:

EU-Western Balkans Summit in 2018 placed special emphasis on creating further opportunities for youth, and called for establishment of a Western Balkans Youth Lab in order to provide space for innovative policy-making addressing the needs of young people and to tackle the issue of brain-drain.