A Framework for Research Infrastructure Roadmaps
20 May 2022 | REPORT
Research Infrastructure (RI) Roadmaps are critically important policy documents in strategic planning. They serve as a point of reference when planning future scientific development by providing a comprehensive overview of existing research infrastructure capacities.
RCC supported the preparation of the first RI Roadmaps in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo* and North Macedonia, given that Montenegro and Serbia previously developed their RI Roadmaps. The new RI Roadmaps summarise the existing research potential of each scientific research system through the identification of research facilities, equipment, instrumentation and international cooperation, including the involvement of each economy in large European RIs and projects.
The Roadmaps provide decision-makers, research and business sectors with an insight into the current state of research infrastructure to make more efficient decisions at all levels. They assist policymakers to leverage investments in RIs more efficiently according to the domestic and international relevance of identified RIs.
Establishing new RIs, upgrading existing or joining international ones requires additional investments from the public funds. For that reason, evidence-based decisions are needed to improve the efficiency of spending public money. In addition, the Roadmaps give the business community a better insight into the research potential that could lead to establishing stronger cooperation with academia.
Finally, the RI Roadmaps may also be of interest to a wider audience, and increase the visibility and acknowledgement of domestic scientific research.
On the following links you can find:
Research Infrastructure Roadmap for Albania
A Framework for Research Infrastructure Roadmap of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Research Infrastructure Roadmap for Kosovo*
Research Infrastructure Roadmap of North Macedonia
*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.