Western Balkans Women Entrepreneurs of the Year 2024

Nominations are closed.

What is it about?

We are happy to announce that the nomination process for the Western Balkans Women Entrepreneurs of the Year 2024 has begun!

Launched in the framework of the Regional Network of Women in Entrepreneurship, this initiative aims to recognise women who have started and developed their own businesses and contributed to new and sustainable jobs for other women and men in our region.

Choosing among hundreds of outstanding nominations is never an easy task. Over the past three editions, 18 remarkable women entrepreneurs have earned the prestigious title of Western Balkans Women Entrepreneurs of the Year, they wear with pride and merit. In addition, last year six extraordinary women entrepreneurs have received special recognition from the Jury. We are confident this year’s edition will continue to celebrate exceptional talent and success.

Women entrepreneurs are vital contributors to the prosperity of the Western Balkans Six (WB6). Their hard work, innovative thinking and unwavering commitment truly helps our economies grow and our societies thrive. Through this initiative, it is our intention to give a humble recognition to those brave and fierce women who dared to fight stereotypes and make a change.

Who can nominate?

RCC invites individuals, representatives of public and private institutions, Chambers of Commerce and Industries, Business (women) Associations and regional and international partner organisations from the Western Balkans Six to nominate women entrepreneurs for the Western Balkans Women Entrepreneurs of the Year 2024 in the categories presented in the next section.

If you know a woman entrepreneur who:

  • has developed a company with cleaner technologies, recycled products, sustainable methodologies, ESG practices, etc.; provides products and/or services that reduce environmental damage, minimize pollution and resource use, enhance product lifecycle and/or that has adopted training programmes for emerging green jobs;
  • has developed a company related to Arts, Culture, Design, Fashion, Lifestyle, Crafts;
  • has developed a business in the ICT sector and/or embraced ICT to embark on technology and innovative solutions for the local market or beyond;
  • has developed a company in the tourism sector and contributes to the tourism promotion of one or more of the region‘s economies, promotion of traditional products, provision of recreation and entertainment through nature-based activities, promotion of agro-tourism products and other similar activities;
  • a young woman entrepreneur (up to 35 years old) who has demonstrated an innovative business solution or a product/service with regional impact and visibility;
  • has launched and/or developed her business by using the power of social media;

Just Click on the blinking button NOMINATE, fill out the form and that is it.

The nominations are open until 21 February 2025.

Who is eligible?

Any woman who is a citizen of one of the Western Balkan economies and owns a business in the specified categories (below) operating in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and/or Serbia is eligible to apply.


The RCC welcomes nominations for women entrepreneurs (WE) from the WB6 in the following suggested categories:

  • WE who has developed a company with cleaner technologies, recycled products, sustainable methodologies, ESG practices, etc.; provides products and/or services that reduce environmental damage, minimize pollution, minimize resource use, enhance product lifecycle and/or that has adopted training programmes for emerging green jobs.
    (Green Woman Entrepreneur)
  • WE who has developed a company related to Arts, Culture, Design, Fashion, Lifestyle, Crafts.
    (Artistic Woman Entrepreneur)
  • WE who has developed a business in the ICT sector and/or embraced ICT to embark on technology and innovative solutions for the local market or beyond.
    (ICT Woman Entrepreneur)
  • WE who has developed a company in the tourism sector and contributes to the tourism promotion of one or more of the region‘s economies, promotion of traditional products, provision of recreation and entertainment through nature-based activities, promotion of agro-tourism products and other similar activities.
    (Tourism Woman Entrepreneur)
  • A young woman entrepreneur (up to 35 years old) who has demonstrated an innovative business solution or a product/service with regional impact and visibility.
    (Young Woman Entrepreneur)
  • WE who has launched and/or developed her business by using the power of social media.
    (Social Star Woman Entrepreneur)

The RCC will select 6 (six) women entrepreneurs, one from each - Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia - that are meeting the characteristics of the abovementioned categories.

In addition, the initiative’s Jury might decide to give Special Jury Recognition(s).

Selection process

First phase: Call for Nominations

The call for nominations will be open until 21 February 2025, inviting nominations through the application form. During this phase, individuals, representatives of public and private institutions, Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Business Associations and regional and international partner organisations are invited to nominate women entrepreneurs.

Second phase: The judging panel

RCC will establish a judging panel (jury) to select the winners based on the data collected through the digital application form. The panel will be composed of seven members, representatives of women entrepreneurs’ networks, organisations and/or Chambers of Commerce and Industry from Western Balkans Six and one representative of RCC.

During this phase, the judging panel will evaluate and decide based on the following criteria:

  • Fulfilment of the criteria as presented in the suggested categories;
  • Evaluation of the indicated impact, positive feedback from nominators, and any additional information provided (such as prior Appreciation or Success awards or nominations) in the specified award categories.
  • Confirmation that the nominees (women entrepreneurs) have legally started and registered their businesses, with a minimum of one year in operation (registered no later than 31 January 2024);
  • Number of nominations received.

Please note that:

  • the judging panel has the right to move an application to a different category if they feel it is more appropriate and/or in the nominee’s interest;
  • the judging panel reserves the right to select one woman entrepreneur from each Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia, and depending on interest shown for the suggested categories;
  • if deemed relevant by the judging panel, a Special Jury Recognition might be included.
  • the decision of the judging panel is final.

Who NOT to nominate?

Be careful! The jury will not consider:

  • Nominees (women entrepreneurs) who have previously received a grant or award in past RCC activities.
  • Nominees (women entrepreneurs) who hold an active contract with RCC at the time of nomination.

Third phase: Final Event

The winners will be informed in due time and asked to provide a video pitch, pictures, short profiles of their business experience and biography.

The winners will be invited to participate in the Final Event.
More information on the date and venue of the Final Event will be published soon.

Benefits for the winning women entrepreneurs
  • Receive publicity regionally and beyond through RCC channels;
  • Participate and contribute to the Regional Network of Women in Entrepreneurship (RNWE) established to support women entrepreneurs in the Western Balkans Six. The RNWE enables networking, partnerships and promotion of women entrepreneurs, aiming to enhance their access to markets, access to finance and to mentorship opportunities;
  • Be invited to various RCC events to showcase their success stories.


If you have any questions, please contact us at RCC_WERecognition@rcc.int

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence